Thursday 1 November 2007

Thoughts on leaving for the cold

With only a few hours to go before I fly to Chile, there are too many cliches and famous parting goodbyes that would fit this situation, so I wont bother with any. All I can say is that I am now very nervous about the whole trip, which is good thing I have decided, as I have spent the last 10 days in a sort of daze. I would wake up and think, am I really going to walk to the South Pole, I still can't quite believe it.

It has been 6 weeks since I stepped off the Greenland icecap, my only real point of reference for what I am about to do now, and the physical and mental hardships of that trip are now rose-tinted and are now more legend than reality, fantastic dinner party stories and anecdotes. I have conveniently forgotten (until last night) at the depth and loneliness of the crevasses I had to cross, the utter desolation and 360 degree endless horizon of the icecap, but most of all I haven't forgotten how incredible it made me feel to complete, which was for me, one of the greatest achievements of my life.

So it is with this thought I will leave for the Antarctic and I will use the feelings of uncertainty and my state of nerves to keep me on my toes, alert and to learn from the professionals I have surrounding me on this expedition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jonathon. Good luck! I've just watched your South Today video. When I pledged my £25 a couple of weeks back I had no idea you were training on my local beaches - I would have come down and laughed at you! I live in Chichester. Richard Shergold