Thursday 1 November 2007

Thanks to my supporters

This is really hard, as there are so many people that have helped make this expedition a reality, so many of them in so many different ways.Even putting them in order is difficult and I don't want to upset anyone who reads this, who feels I left them out.

I have to thank my dear friends, Matt, Mike, Jim & Laura for initially spurring me on to do it - they made me realise that this trip wasn't about the cost but about grasping the opportunity, without these guys I wouldn't have made the decision to go. Once I did, then there was no end to the support I received, both financially and through encouragement, here is a list (sorry if I have left you out!)

Noel, Fiona and Isabella Gordon, Peter, Sherri and Ben Gordon, Sue Spanswick, John Lindley, Matt Howard, Stuart Keeble, Dave Peacock, Steve Seymour, Pete West, Richard Shergold, Joseph D'armi, Chris Massey, Daragh Mike & Anthea, Shamus Kelly, Jan Sharon & Molly Rasmussen, Richard Rachel and Isabel, Nathan & Rachel Blake, Brian Bradshaw & Family, Robert Bradshaw & Family, Matthew & Clare Barry, Mike Owen Lloyd & Family, Darryl Brock & Family, Sue Morris, Sarah Sikuade, Rodrigo Ceron Viveros, Lloyd & Family, Barbara Greissinger, Giulia Roger & Sammy Butler, Simon, Grannie & the boys, Gioia Gordon, Sidney Pogatchnik, Will Davies & Family, Rolf Huber, Niall Folley, Caroline De Brunn, Lysandra, Charlie Paton, Baiju. Peglers, The Portal Partnership and John Wilton-Davis.

A very a special thanks goes to my Mum & Dad, who have given tirelessly of their time and support over the last 5 weeks. Mum has customised nearly all of my equipment to my exacting standards to ensure that my clothing is South Pole ready. She has also ensured that have put on sufficient weight to deal with the cold and organised all my press and media relations. Dad has been a great wing-man while I have been preparing for the trip, running frequent errands to ensure I have enough time to sleep, eat and train. Thank you both so much, I love you.

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