Tuesday 30 October 2007

The South Pole Inn

I am unsure how often I will be able to update my blog whilst I am away, but we have set up a satellite communications system to ensure we can send daily updates to our expedition website while we ski to the South Pole.

Our progress, expedition logs and interactive map are available on www.beyondendurance.ie and click on the News icon to read our updates.

I have been very busy this week, learning about all the complicated communications systems we have to bring with us, especially the charging of batteries via solar panels. I have had a crash course in electricity and spent many hours wishing I had paid attention in physics when being told about Volts, Amps and Ohms!

A highlight of the week was a visit The South Pole Inn in Anascaul, Co. Kerry to pay tribute to Tom Crean’s huge achievements on many of his Polar expeditions. It was a fitting way to embark on our adventures and remember those who have gone before us.

In 1927 Tom opened the South Pole Inn. He was a local celebrity, and the locals called him ‘Tom the Pole’. Right up to the end of his days, he spoke little to anyone about the enormous feats he accomplished during his time with Scott and Shackleton.

Tom Crean died in Cork on 27 July, 1938. There is a statue of him in the green opposite the Inn, holding 2 Husky puppies.

Crean was a pivotal figure, intimately involved in the great exploits of Scott and Shackleton. His contribution to these expeditions was enormous and on more than one occasion he risked his life to save others.

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