Monday 12 January 2009

Back on the road with sad news

My first run this morning in over three months and only 3 weeks since the operation on my ankle. It felt good and finally I should be over this hiccup and back on track to focus on the year ahead. I do not think I'll sign up for the Double Iron Man yet or the Arch to Arc (the race I have always wanted to compete in) but I keep the dream alive.

I was so sad to hear the news of the death of Rob Gauntlett and his companion James Atkinson in Chamonix recently, whilst it is always tragic to loved ones to loose a son, brother or friend like this - it is also a huge shame when that someone was such an inspiration to so many - young and old. Rob, like me believed in inspiring the younger generation to live more healthy and adventurous lives, he was a beacon - daring anyone, just to get out of their chairs from behind the droll reality TV that is fills our lives these days and do something out of the ordinary.

Rob showed us that there is no such thing as "can't" just "won't and shan't"!

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