Wednesday 30 April 2008

Exhibition goes live in Oxford

A selection of my favorite photos from the Greenland and Antarctica expeditions are now on show at Greens in Oxford. Together with the owner Sharon Rasmussen, we selected the best images that represent the changes to our current global climate. The retreat of the Greenland icecap, the effect of warming Polar seas on the Inuit and of course the breaking up of huge sections of the Antarctica ice shelves.

Greens were kind enough to support my expedition South and I was proud to represent their organisation at the South Pole.

Greens is in St Giles, Oxford.

1 comment:

Caroline De BrĂșn said...

How long is your exhibition running until? Your photos are great. I love the sunset one. And you are looking more like I remember you at college. Glad things are going well for you.
