Wednesday 23 January 2008

I only have 34 seconds of fame left

I was stood at the bar of the Green Room in the RTE studios sipping a smooth Chilean Merlot and we got the call to make-up. The poor lady had to use buckets of cover-up to hide the frost bite gouges on my cheeks and the blisters on my nose. A quick briefing from the controller and we were walking down the isle to take our seats in front of Pat Kenny – the host of the longest running chat show in television history.....The Late Late Show.

Not sure what to make of the whole thing really, at the time it was fun but I was desperate to get home for a rest. At the end of the interview I thought I would be a bit cheeky and make an appeal for my lost camera to be returned. Right at the end of the show, Pat holds up the camera, the taxi driver was watching at home, went out to his car and found the camera, he dropped it round to the studio while we were still there - incredibly I got it back intact, and with it a small slice of Irish history has been preserved.

Thanks to RTE for the hospitality and ferrying us around the country.
This is my 14 minutes and 26 seconds of fame - link to Replay of Irish Team interview

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