Thursday 11 October 2007

Schools galore

Last week I had my first go at the lecture circuit, albeit in front of a 100 or so children from Clifton High and Bristol Grammar school. I was talking about my recent Greenland and Iceland trips as well as my preparation for the Pole.

Crowd control, especially where young kids are concerned has always been difficult for me. I suppose when I was a kid and played up I was always shouted at and therefore suffer from "if all you have is a hammer, there is a tendency to see everything as if it is a nail" syndrome. However, both sets of kids were exceptional, bright, interested and asked questions non stop for half an hour. I think they were most interested in all the equipment I brought with me like solar power chargers, ice axes, 10kg of Cadbury's Dairy Milk and of course my sled.

Speaking to these kids was definitely a good warm up for the Best Man speech I had to give in front of 150 guests of a good friend on the Saturday - that was nerve wracking.

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