Thursday 11 October 2007

The problem with training

I can honestly say that since returning from Greenland I have done practically no training for the next trip, this has been due in part to my body not letting me get up a sweat - it is quite clever how when it needs to rest and recover it really does let you know. The few times I have been out for a light jog, I am usually gasping for air and my legs hurt within a minute so turn on my heel and walk home, feeling a bit down.

I haven't always found it easy to exercise, and for most of my life, training to keep fit has always been very hard to do. Unless there is some competition involved against a fellow combatant, where I can try and beat them, then dragging my sorry carcass out of bed at 6am for a run has been a chore rather than the thing I always long to do. I don't mind training when my level of fitness can be the difference between life or death or complete humiliation, so I found the build up to Greenland crossing quite easy and didn't really have a problem with training beforehand for 2 hours or so a day.

And here is the point of my frustration, I am motivated to get out and pull tyres, cycle or run for a few hours a day at the moment, but my body is fighting back, telling me it is not ready - well this is all very well but in exactly 30 days I will start man-hauling a sledge weighing about 150kg for hopefully not too much longer than 55 hurry up body and let me train!

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