Friday 26 October 2007

The Beyond Endurance South Pole Team

I am over in Ireland now with Pat Falvey the expedition leader, assisting with the final logistics for the expedition. We are still waiting for a final few items of equipment to ship down to Punta Arenas, but generally everything has now come together and we are ready to go.

I am staying with Pat at his Mountain Lodge, just outside Killarney in Co. Kerry in South West Ireland, a fitting place in the shadow of Ireland's highest mountain Carantouhill, to mentally and physically prepare for what lays ahead.

I can't believe I met Pat, Clare and Shaun only 2 months ago, crossing Greenland - and now I am part of the 1st Irish team to walk to the South Pole. I am very pleased to be surrounded by such professionals who I can learn the necessary skills from to ensure a successful expedition.

The photo was taken a few minutes after we had stepped off the Greenland Icecap in September. From left to right, Shaun Menzies, Clare O'Leary, me and Pat Falvey.


Anonymous said...


All the best from Lloyd,Sam, Jasmine and Matthew (bring a Penguin back for Jasmine).


Anonymous said...

We are so impressed with what you are about to do. What a year! Keep safe, and keep posting updates if you can. Thinking of you,
Daragh, Mike & Anthea.

the66thparallel said...

All the best going South, I'll give you a ring in the new year.
Darran (crossing Greenland with Charlie next Spring)