Saturday 2 June 2007

An email from Nathan

from - Nathan Blake
to - Jon Bradshaw
date - May 30, 2007 1:11 PM
subject - wow it's wet

I'm perched here with an espresso in hand blaming you entirely for the horrendous weather.
If you weren't doing the longest ride of your life the weather would be much nicer and I'd be getting a lot more miles done. As it is I've looked at the grimness outside each day for a week and thought "If Jon's out there in that shit then I've got no excuse." And off I go into the wind, hail and driving rain and I shiver, shudder, grimace and think hard man thoughts. I last an hour, maybe two before darting into a hot shower and feasting myself on toast and Marmite. You on the other hand, are just being totally extreme and a crazily hard. Believe it or not I'm jealous. I want to be suffering with you, it's what I'm designed for. I need to experience the worst the elements can throw at me. I need to feel my body bursting with the strain of keeping warm and functioning.
But hey, this espresso will just have to suffice for now.
My brain is bursting and that's about it.
Can't believe you'll be in Aberdeen in a day. Bet you can't wait for the next bit of the journey.
Keep those wheels moving, don't stop.
It's great to know others count road kill ;-)

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