Wednesday 16 July 2008

The Tom Crean Society host Irish Explorers

Shaun (my tent mate and Antarctic best friend) and I were invited to give a talk on "Surviving Polar Extremes" recently at a packed out auditorium at Trinity College, Dublin.

The Tom Crean Society was set up on December 12th 2001, the Centenary of Scott's 'Discovery' Expedition. Their aim is to preserve and promote the memory of this great Irish Polar explorer.

Shaun and I gave a detailed and emotional re-enactment of our recent expedition to the South Pole. I believe the audience benefited from the two of us reliving the daily grind and awful conditions of Antarctica, from our own unique perspectives. Whilst we both very much experienced the same conditions, they affected us in very different ways. Shaun and I both agreed afterwards that there were moments when we both felt we were back on the ice and in the tent squabbling about the most mundane of things.

"Dear Jonathon,
I can't express my appreciation for a wonderful evening. The feedback I have been getting is that it was a riveting evening. One man who finds it difficult to sit still never budged all during the presentation, his wife told me!

It was extremely moving on many levels and there was something very important in the experience of being there last night for each and everyone of us. The Tom Crean Society is so grateful to you for coming over and doing this for us. I think it will be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship with the Society.

The very best of wishes

Eithne Casey
Chair of the Tom Crean Society (Dublin Branch)"

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