Sunday 18 May 2008

Swiss trains

I'm on the Golden Pass train from Geneva upto the quiet alpine village of Chateau D'oex. This train is of the tourist type, panoramic windows everywhere, its like a greenhouse on wheels. It winds its way up the lake side vineyard terraced slopes of lac leman and profers stunning views, of castles, formula 1 drivers chateaux and of course the lake.

I'm sat here minding my own business reading the Sunday times, enjoying a full week of news, comment and chuckiling to myself on Rod Liddle's article about Britain's female youf culture......and the conductor has told me I can't read my broadsheet paper in the main carriage area as it is blocking the view for the other have got to be is p*****g down outside, you can't see anything, and I have to stand outside the toilet if I want read my paper.

Think I'll turn my Ipod up really loud and play my Kylie album!

Sent from my BlackBerry

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