Thursday 8 May 2008

+26 degrees - the warmest I've been in 15 months!

Wednesday must have been the hottest day of the year so far, and what was I doing when the sun had reached its very zenith? Dressed up in full Polar gear giving a talk about Antarctica to a great bunch of kids at the Primary School in Langley Fitzure, Wiltshire.

This was my last talk of the term - I have visited 15 schools now in 3 months across the UK and Ireland and this school was one of the best. There is nothing more fulfilling than engaging with a 100 or so bright, enthusiastic kids who ask intelligent questions. I was stunned that an 8 year old would know that you could navigate to the South Pole using the sun and the wind, I only learnt about it last year!

I received some interesting feedback after I returned home and I am very flattered to Blog that one of the KS2 girls named a spider after me when she got home - that's a first!

My thanks to Bec Gay for arranging the talk and to Lynn Evans, the Head Teacher for allowing me to dress up in fancy dress in the school hall.

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