Saturday, 27 January 2007

Spanish Moss

Spanish Moss is that grey/silvery looking lichen that hangs from trees in hot and humid climes, and is very identifiable with the deep South East of the US. Just watch movies like Forest Gump or the Patriot and you 'll understand. It looks a lot like Old Mans Beard in at home, actually it is not a moss at all but an airborne plant (part of the bromeliad family) and strangely has no roots (so I was told on my trolly bus tour....don't laugh!) It is everywhere here in Savannah and gives the place a ghostly and mysterious feel.

Anecdotally, when the colonists arrived in 1733, they used it to stuff mattress and pillows, but after a while they realised the moss carried a small beetle which bites and gives a horrid rash - hence the term "don't let the bed bugs bite" - not sure how accurate it is but the Savannahians seem to be mighty proud of the saying!

Photo taken yesterday on Oglethorpe Ave.

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